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File Created: 14-Oct-1986 by Brian Grant (BG)
Last Edit:  15-Aug-2022 by Niel Hugo (NH)

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Name GRAHAM INLET, TAKU INLET Mining Division Atlin
BCGS Map 104N061
Status Showing NTS Map 104N12W
Latitude 059º 37' 59'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 133º 57' 06'' Northing 6611013
Easting 559118
Commodities Magnesite Deposit Types I17 : Cryptocrystalline magnesite veins
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Cache Creek
Capsule Geology

The Graham Inlet magnesite occurrence is located 5.5 kilometres west of Taku, on the south side of Table Mountain, about 16 kilometres northwest of the community of Atlin.

Carbonatized outcrops, some of considerable extent and consisting principally of magnesian carbonate, contain veins several centimetres wide of relatively pure magnesite. The hostrocks (Middle Triassic to Lower Jurassic Cache Creek Complex) appear schistose, fine-grained, and are greyish to dark green on fresh surface but weather to a rough surface with a bright, gossanous colour. In thin section, the magnesian carbonates are associated with plagioclase and minor amounts of calcite, dolomite, epidote, and an unidentified iron mineral.

Although the occurrence descriptions are limited, they seem similar in setting to the magnesite occurrences in the Atlin and Sloko River areas which are associated with the Upper Mississippian to Permian Atlin Ultramafic Allochthon which intrude into the volcanic-sedimentary stratigraphy.

In 2011, 168 soil samples and 4 rock samples were collected in the Graham Creek watershed and slopes of Table Mountain on behalf of Blind Creek Resources Ltd.

EMPR FIELDWORK 1989, pp. 311-322, 365-374; 1990, pp. 145-152
EMPR GEOS MAP 1997-1; 2004-4
EMPR MAP 52 (with notes)
EMPR OF 1987-13; 1989-15A, 24; 1990-22; 1992-8; 1996-11
GSC ANN RPT 1899, p. 21B
GSC MAP 19-1957; *94A; 1082A
GSC MEM *37, pp. 54-56; 307, pp. 36, 79
GSC OF 864
DIAND OF *1990-4
Cordey, F. et al. (1987): Significance of Jurassic Radiolarians from the Cache Creek Terrane, British Columbia, in Geology Vol.15, pp. 1151-1154